Sustentandonos con basta informacion
(verse esta debajo*)
Nuestra Hipotesis:
. . . . . . Ya Reflexionada;
Tu total Disponibilidad
para el Dar .. . . Dandose :
"Cuidado,Cariño,Comprension,etc. Para las personas, animales y cosas. Al Todo. .= Alrededor, Entorno, Al Cognos.
Al Medio Ambiente que cada uno afectamos, dañamos, alteramos, modificamos,
Contamination Ambieental.
Visual. Auditiva.
Contamination Emocional. . .
" Intelectual.
" Fisica .
Son estos Actos y Hechos Humanos que ya en proceso por la UNESCO,concluir a Regulando, desde quien
obstruya,detenga,afecte,o realizeactos que impidan una expansion del actual 35% que actual menteel HUMANO solamente se inclina en su SER . As solo con bajo o reducido incursiona,utiliza,
aprovecha, etc.
No solo mediante cantidad, si
mediante esa Calidad Humana,
Calidad de Vida .
"Bienestar Comun"
People, even around our GHIA, WORLDLY Interested about our present times conditions. An effort to start thinking and
Modified better all Global matters,
from each HHUMAN (double H)*
starting living placed at Home, and
recognize we have one more factor, better than a HOLISTIC integrated Human., the forgotten
one principal factor who provides
an starting living way, from the only first sperms who win and with an ovule.,produce a HHUMAN
thanks to the power of: ENERGY.
So, which out this will be no LIFE,
any place in Mother Earth, as Soil;
any kind of Water and any Windy
as Air, and finally Any actual kind,
Race,Colour, 3 Sex recognaizing a as Generic numbered types onn HHUMANS, the MECANIC or with ROBOTIZED Parts or just All ones as HROBOT.
This just talking about US as 4 integrated ways functions, IF .....propperly as this individualy factors were producing as resulting good ones ENERGETICS FIELDS AROUNDING , EMANATING, TRANSMITING, TO OTHERS ONES HHUMANS.
POSITIVE or NEGATIVE ENERGY, It's Our Intentions as T21ers :
- Part 1/ First GOES-
Thinker's 21 century,
Thinker TIME to start
As beeing resulting for A BEETER GLOBAL COMUNE WELLNES.,our
INICIATIVETERS Founders make this effort.